Askosferoz bees: reason, symptoms, treatment, prevention.

Why develop askoferoz, signs allow to define, як вилікувати і запобігти підступній хворобі – все, that everyone should know beekeeper.

Askosferoz bees, відомий ще під назвою вапняний розплід – заразне захворювання бджолиного розплоду.

Called mold Ascosphaera apis, belonging to the category of marsupials.

  1. Causes of askosferozu
  2. symptoms askosferozu
  3. Treatment of disease
  4. Prevention
  5. Video

Mushroom askosfera Apis perfectly preserved in the environment, making relaxer askosferozom apiaries disadvantaged for years for this disease in veterinary terms.

Аскосфероз має дві стадії прояви – acute and latent. У період не явною фази спори грибка можуть перебувати всюди – на сотах з медом, ambrosia. They also penetrate into the body of larvae, focusing their gut.

But widespread disease in this case does not get. A completely different situation is created when hidden in the acute phase passes.

This is killed a third of all bee brood, and overall performance can significantly decrease, sometimes reaching half the previous amount.

Flash promote acute phase:

  • during the rule of the wet cool weather;
  • strong weakening bee colonies;
  • poor insulation slot
  • warmed enough bees nest;
  • increased the number of drone brood.

Causes of askosferozu

Askosferoz, Like many other diseases of bees, appears in early spring, in time he, when the bees appear first generation brood.

Infected especially weak families, often after long protracted cold spells. Summer outbreak possible with warm unstable or prolonged rainy weather.

By disseminating these askosferozu:

  1. Spores of the fungus from diseased to healthy families carry infected adult insects: drones, wandering bees, bee-thief, parasites of bees.
  2. Distributed contagion from one hive to another with newly acquired packages of bees, through pollen and nectar, brought the worker bees; poor quality food, honey and ambrosia, etc..
  3. The source of infection may also become contaminated beekeeping equipment, poor quality food and unprocessed frames and hives, which have relocated insects.
  4. Inside the dwelling fungus spreads bee feeding bees, who spread it between healthy larvae. Infected worker bees, performing work on hundreds of used cleaning, also contribute to the spread of infection.
  5. Infection beer families facilitate migrations to new location. Askosferozu helps spread the increased use of insects in greenhouses to pollinate crops, grown in greenhouses. This increased humidity and room temperature are most suitable conditions for its development.
  6. Uncontrolled used antibiotics, leading to disruption of metabolic processes in the body bee, reduces insect resistance to the disease.

symptoms askosferozu

Almost all mass bee brood dies in printed brood stage in a short period of cocoon formation and subsequent larval molting stages. As the disease develops?

Among the clinical symptoms can be noted:

Fungal spores enter the body of larvae with food and settle in the intestine. There they quickly sprout, mycelium fill the entire volume of the body of young insects and then go outside.

Especially strong fungus grows on the bottom of the body of the future of bees, спереду – трохи слабкіше.

It can penetrate even through sealed lids cells.

Infected larvae swell and almost completely occupy the entire volume of honeycomb cells.

At the onset of the disease, they become yellow-white, and further a light yellow color, become doughy and shiny.

After a while they dry out and gradually turn into a dense, dry weight, vaguely recalling a small pieces of lime or refined sunflower.

It is characteristic of the disease, on which it can be easily distinguished visually from other diseases bee brood.

In the sealed brood, If the frame shake, dried mummified larvae emit a specific sound bryazkayut. If the lids cut, they can easily fall out of cells. These larvae are dried very easily extracted from cells.

They can be found in large numbers on the board pryletnoy, on the bottom of the hive and the land around it, where bees throw garbage, clearing their homes.

Trutnevoy affected first brood, which is associated with more optimal conditions for the development of fungus on the edge of the nest, where humidity and temperature is slightly reduced compared to rasplodnoy part, which is located in the center of the frame.

Treatment askosferozu

The most crucial, але в той же час і найнадійніший спосіб лікування бджіл від аскосферозу – негайне видалення із заражених вуликів рамок with infected brood and its destruction.

After the destruction of the brood cells reprehensible peretopyty need to wax. Instead, set a new clean frame.

Preferably at the same time replace contaminated old uterus a healthy new.

Must it be done, If a patient is provided more than half the bee brood.

But, If the degree of damage is not as great, much more correct to bet on disease treatment.

Be careful when buying. Today to address askosferozu widely used antibiotics.

Among them are noteworthy drugs such as nystatin, askopol, unisan, apiask, mikosan, askostat, askotsyn and polisot.

The effectiveness of these and similar drugs is quite high, above all, that they used exactly according to instructions.

Process brood them in several ways:

  1. Election means adding a container with syrup, give bees.
  2. Stir with powdered sugar and sawdust scope of this lineup infected bee brood.
  3. Add Candy and cakes to conclude a framework hives over.
  4. Cardboard plate placed inside the hive on a special wire into the space between the feed and scope rasplodnoho, leave them until the natural destruction.

Treatment of this disease can be complex. In addition to processing chemicals from cells askosferozu, good treatment effect is brood bees folk remedies.

In beekeeping greatest success in this regard enjoys garlic. To achieve a therapeutic effect, only one head per one small hive. It must be crushed, placed in a gauze bag and place on top of the center frame slot.

Usually, positive outcome will be seen in a week. Detrimental effect on the pathogen askosferozu provide such plants like horsetail, yarrow, celandine. A small bundle of any of them need to wrap gauze, placed on the frame under holstyk and leave to dry.

Prevention askosferozu

noticed, that the disease often appears in spring, during the return of cold weather. Influence this weather phenomenon is impossible, but effectively protect him from his apiary quite capable of every beekeeper.

If hives are warmed, inside is dry, and they will be on the stand in a well-warmed sun site, is likely, askosferoz that does not manifest itself through the absence of favorable conditions for development.

Alternatively, the degree of damage is minor illness, but with the advent of sustainable heat it completely disappears by itself.

To prevent recurrence of disease should also: timely perform health work in the apiary: conduct current disinfection equipment, inventory, empty hives and frames, pidmor dig into the ground or burn; often used plant material, has a bactericidal effect; Not feeding healthy honey bees and ambrosia, taken in patients with family.

Doing all these precautions, can significantly reduce the risk of askosferozu in his apiary.


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