Aloe with honey cough
Aloe with honey cough for children, gastritis, sinusitis.
Мед – дуже цінний і важливий продукт для лікування багатьох захворювань, what he has earned enormous popularity.
Its undeniable benefits, and the use of recommended even as a regular component of food.
But honey aloe is even more refreshing, as well as treating illness more effectively and more.
In addition, this is an excellent and affordable way, making it very popular among fans of traditional medicine.
In aloe and honey are many medicinal properties, so for this combination came up with many recipes, cook who is not difficult.
Aloe and honey: useful properties
У соку алое міститься алантоїн – речовина, so necessary for human skin, which provides a rejuvenating and healing effect.
It should add a little juice to honey, as this effect is amplified several times.
not great, many drugs, used in cosmetics, containing the two components, can not be said about the popularity of other media, in particular, chemical.
Aloe Honey is also beneficial for the eyes, they restore vision.
Infusion, infusion, drops and other drugs based on them may be useful in the following cases:
How to make drugs with aloe honey at home?
Найбільш простий і популярний рецепт – це настоянка алое з медом для обличчя, for immunity, for the treatment of internal diseases, stomach ulcers, up to cancer treatment.
All these diseases, if you take aloe and honey, can be successfully treated. Usually, You can leave a mixture of vodka or, or wine.
Recipes with honey and aloe do not end. You can not use aloe juice with honey, and immediately leaves.
In order to prepare, their pre-shredded in a meat grinder or grated and number 500 g is mixed with the nearly full glass of beer products.
The mixture was allowed to 2 day, then translate it in a bowl and add a little more 750 ml kagor, then leave it again two days.
Read: Turnip and honey: useful properties, receptions.
Take the finished product is recommended three times a day on a tablespoon.
Mentioned above recipe with honey and medicinal plants topical treatment of respiratory diseases.
If you need to correct stomach, preparing a powerful drug as follows:
If pesters cough in children, especially dry, you can make a fairly simple, but effective recipe with honey and botanicals.
To this mix them in equal amounts, trying to make a homogeneous mass, then take it three times a day is a teaspoon.
If properly stored the drug (in the fridge) and apply, is very striking effect.
To rid the body of toxins and various harmful substances, You can prepare the recipe with honey, aloe and other components.
To do this, take the above inhridienty and butter in equal amounts.
The leaves are crushed, mixed with butter and warm bath in 20 minutes, then add there honey, give the mixture cooled slightly.
Разова доза – 1 no. l. half an hour before meals. Курс лікування – тричі на день в необмеженій кількості по часу, preferably at least a month.
Read: Cranberry Honey: properties, best recipes.
Of particular importance are the recipes with honey and aloe facial and other body parts.
These substances have long been shown to be of great benefit in cosmetics, as used in gels, shampoos, creams, masks.
This is quite simple to get raw materials, process and obtain from it the product.
The above recipes show, that the combination of plant and bee products very successful and diverse effect on body.
So, fine paste cures sore throat, and external problems, but infusions are more suitable for internal medicine.
Read: Kalina and honey: receptions, properties, contraindication.
You can prepare a mixture of ointment for external application dermatitis, infectious skin lesions, it is enough to just choose a convenient basis.
Anyhow, майже всі препарати зазначеної комбінації готуються з певної сировини – соку алое.
First of all it is important to choose the right plant, it must be older (4-7 years), because young leaves are not many nutrients.
You should also ensure that, to two weeks before the cut leaves of plants not watered, and indeed it should avoid contact with fertilizers, chemicals.
Better water drinking water plant, not harmful, hlorovanoyu, to make it as useful. Then the leaves are harvested and ground into mush.
If desired filter and get juice, is desirable to use quickly.
Many also recommend before squeezing the leaves put in the refrigerator, thus accelerate fermentation in plant tissues, that will make the process faster infusion.
Although aloe mixture of honey and very helpful, Yet there is a group of people, for which its use is risky.
Primarily these are, who allergic to bee products. Also, due to the action biostymulyuyuchi plants is not recommended its use by, who have benign tumors and other entities, not to accelerate their development.
To get rid of side effects, потрібно чітко слідувати курсу лікування і дотримуватися його терміни – 2-3 week, then take a break.
Also, before taking better communicate with your doctor.
In other cases, a mixture of beneficial effects on the body and more efficiently, than other combinations, saves many diseases.
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