Allergy to honey in children: features, a photo, treatment.
Мед – найкорисніша речовина, which consists of many vitamins, minerals and other important and unique substances.
Daily use of honey strengthens the immune system, accelerates metabolism, struggling with stress, fatigue and insomnia.
But unfortunately, мед – досить сильний алерген, and about 3-4% population suffers from this unpleasant disease, as allergic to honey.
Алергічна реакція на мед – це реакція організму на pollen, of which bees gathered nectar for the production. Note, it is an allergen pollen, not alone honey.
This means, people, who can not tolerate one species of honey can eat other varieties. But this should be done with caution, trying half a teaspoon of delicacy and carefully watching the reaction.
Very often allergic to honey are prone young kids, because their immune system is not yet fully formed in.
Therefore, the children forbidden to give honey, and from one to three can be given with caution or completely abstain from drinking.
Most other people are allergic to honey they tend, who suffer frequent runny nose, respiratory diseases, patients with asthma, children, whose parents suffer from this type of allergy, people with disorders of the stomach or intestines.
In general, considered, natural honey that rarely cause allergic reaction. Very often influenced by negative product, a part of which is sugar cane or other chemical elements for longer storage of honey.
Each particular person allergic reaction manifested in his. Someone produced a rash, у когось – сухість і першіння в горлі, у когось – набряк губ або гортані. Symptoms can identify weak, moderate and pronounced.
Mild symptoms appear as severe itching and difficulty breathing.
Acute symptoms of allergy medical condition can cause even, threatening human health and life.
First, there is such a reaction, as an itchy skin rash and small, but then it turns into laryngeal edema, abdominal pain, colic and vomiting, dizziness or fainting. In such a reaction should immediately call "ambulance".
Today it is believed, allergies to honey that does not exist, And on pollen and even more so.
Experts explain the appearance of a negative reaction to those sweet treats, that food is not used natural honey, and the product, obtained by processing of sugar, which is a strong allergen.
During the heat starts to produce sugar substances, which can cause a negative reaction even in, who is not prone to allergies.
Therefore, we recommend that you buy only honey beekeepers, а ще краще – у перевірених пасічників.
This will guarantee, honey has all the useful and necessary substances and enzymes.
If you still suspect at the presence of an allergic reaction to bee products, look for signs of allergy.
Досить неприємне явище – поява висипу, red spots and strong itching on the face.
As soon as possible to defeat this nuisance, You can use folk remedies.
It is necessary to lubricate the skin with a cotton disk, dipped in a small amount of yogurt, sour cream or yogurt.
After that wash the skin with warm water and apply a poultice of sage broth, chamomile, lime or other herbs.
Not scary, if the house you do not find appropriate herbs, You can use a weak broth of black tea.
Soak in a solution marlechku compress and apply on face. Change should be every 20-30 minutes.
To relieve symptoms of moderate severity using antihistamines, decongestants, on prescription corticosteroids.
Існує і такий вид алергічної реакції – алергія на бджіл і на їх укуси. If the reaction to bee stings more or less clear, then manifest themselves as symptoms of allergy to bees themselves?
Often, this reaction manifests itself in the apiary, when a person breathes air Beekeeping.
It particles enter the airways bodies of bees and their metabolic products.
In this case, the person starts coughing strong, profuse nasal discharge, itching of exposed skin, sore throat.
In this case, the person forbidden to work in the apiary, after one bite of these insects can become fatal for him.
As contact with bees disease increases, because the human body accumulates antibodies bees.
An allergic reaction can occur both through beekeeping air or contact with bees, and from contact with dirty clothes, propolis, framework.
Regarding allergies to bee stings, it can develop even in healthy people.
But if you notice these symptoms in yourself, as nausea, weakness, dizziness, is not, there itching, where the bee stung, immediately see a doctor.
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