
Propolis in Gynecology

Propolis in Gynecology: Recipes tampons and candles. Propolis - valuable product of beekeeping. Він застосовується для лікування багатьох недуг і порушень.

7 years ago

propolis tincture

Useful properties of propolis tincture and application. Before talking about, are useful properties is a propolis tincture, need…

7 years ago

The use of aqueous extract of propolis

The use of aqueous extract of propolis for eye and respiratory. Propolis - valuable product of beekeeping, which is used not only in medicine,…

7 years ago

Inhalation of propolis

Inhalation of propolis with nebulizer for bronchitis. Inhalation of propolis reduce inflammation of the lower airways, promote liquefaction viscous mucus, позбавляють від

7 years ago

Propolis tincture with a cold

Treating a cold propolis tincture: receptions. Parents often a lot of questions about things such actual, як лікування прополісом нежиті.

7 years ago

Propolis tincture for hair

Propolis tincture for hair growth: application. Propolis - a product of beekeeping, used for the preparation of cosmetics, medicines, ароматичних

7 years ago

Honey with propolis

Honey with propolis: useful properties and contraindications. The use of propolis in medicine, apparently, most significant. Сотні і тисячі рецептів включають

7 years ago

Ointment with propolis

How to make propolis ointment at home. Ointment with propolis, prepared with their own hands, very much in demand in traditional medicine, even…

7 years ago

Oil propolis

Oil propolis: properties, application, recipes prigotuvanya. Oil with propolis, application is known from ancient Indian medical treatises, допомагає при лікуванні

7 years ago

Propolis colds

Propolis colds, angini, pneumonia, cough, bronchitis. Propolis with a cold - effective and efficient tool. Bee glue has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal,…

7 years ago