When it comes to fencing, many people choose wooden ones as they look stylish and luxurious. However, modern composite fence panels have exactly the same design but are much more durable. Wood will serve you a few years maximum, also it requires careful maintenance and regular re-painting. The composite wood fence doesn’t burn out in the sun and effectively resists moisture, so it won’t lose its perfect look for many years.

Moreover, composite fence panels are versatile, so it’s up to you to decide how they will look. Most often, people choose a painted wood texture with metal strips. The height of the composite fence varies depending on the level of privacy you need. Also, it could be solid (to protect you from curious glances from the outside) or consist of horizontal stripes (to visually enlarge the space in the yard).

Local Manufacture and sale of fencing systems – Globus Gates.Whether you want to purchase composite fence panels for your home or resale, install composite fences by yourself or order the assembling, the Globus Gates team is the best fencing supplier and conductor in California. Being trusted by numerous customers, the company is known for its competitive prices, fast installation, and attentive attitude to clients.

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